Sasha Kostenko: Barcode
Sasha is a sophomore studying Communication Design and Computer Science at Washington University in St. Louis. She is interested in visual storytelling and interactivity, though she also enjoys taking courses in psychology, environmental studies, and language. She comes from Cary, North Carolina, and loves the outdoors – she also runs as a hobby and likes to write, wood-burn, or crochet in her free time. Sasha hopes to one day write a best-selling fantasy novel and start a home garden.
Many of the actions contributing to the destruction of our environment are motivated by money. Whether large corporations making unsustainable yet “profitable” choices, or governments permitting the deforestation of the world’s most precious rainforest out of economic interests, capitalistic greed blocks the path to change. If these harmful choices driven by the incentive for profit are not confronted, our beautiful world will be treated as nothing more than a resource, our forests nothing more than a commodity. In “Barcode”, two children play among a forest of trees indistinguishable from the barcodes plastered across our products. Without significant change, the trees they play among will soon indicate nothing more.