Speakers Session 5
Ian Adams
Teaching and Education Workshop
Managing Director of Clean Energy Trust, Ian Adams will participate in the Teaching and Education Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Shahzeen Attari
Outreach and Engagement Workshop
Researcher in judgment and decision making related to climate change and resource use, Shahzeen Attari will participate in the Outreach and Engagement Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Robert Blake
Climate Action Workshop
Founder and CEO of Solar Bear, Robert Blake will participate in the Climate Action Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Max Boykoff
Outreach and Engagement Workshop
Researcher in science-policy and society challenges, Max Boykoff will participate in the Outreach and Engagement Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Tom Dietz
Outreach and Engagement Workshop
Human ecologist and environmental sociologist, Tom Dietz will participate in the Outreach and Engagement Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Kevin Ellett
Climate Action Workshop
Kevin Ellett will participate in the Climate Action Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Justin Gillis
Keynote Speaker
Former New York Times Climate Reporter, Justin Gillis is the Keynote Speaker for the Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 11:20am central time.
Jennifer Haverkamp
Moderator - Science and Research Workshop
Graham Family Director of the University of Michigan’s Graham Sustainability Institute and professor, Jennifer Haverkamp will be the moderator for the Science and Research Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Jeff Henderson
Moderator - Teaching and Education Workshop
Jeff Henderson will participate in the Teaching and Education Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Frannie Levar
Climate Action Workshop
As Director of Environmental Sustainability at United Airlines, Frannie Levar will participate in the Climate Action Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Dane McFarlane
Climate Action Workshop
Director of Research at the Great Plains Institute, Dane McFarlane will moderate the Climate Action Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Jennifer Mefford
Teaching and Education Workshop
Director of Business Development for the Southeastern Michigan Labor Management Cooperation Committee, Jennifer Mefford will participate in the Teaching and Education Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Sarah Mills
Science and Research Workshop
Senior project manager and lecturer at the University of Michigan, Sarah Mills will participate in the Science and Research Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Lucas Nelsen
Science and Research Workshop
Policy associate at the Center for Rural Affairs, Lucas Nelsen will participate in the Science and Research Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Frank Oswald
Climate Action Workshop
City of St. Louis Building Commissioner, Frank Oswald will participate in the Climate Action Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Kaitlin Raimi
Outreach and Engagement Workshop
Researcher of psychological and social motivations of sustainable behaviors, Kaitlin Raimi will participate in the Outreach and Engagement Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Maria Redmond
Science and Research Workshop
Director of the Wisconsin Office of Sustainability and Clean Energy, Maria Redmond will participate in the Science and Research Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Kevin Self
Climate Action Workshop
Senior Vice President Strategy, Business Development and Government Affairs at Schneider Electric, Kevin Self will participate in the Climate Action Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Beth Soholt
Science and Research Workshop
Executive Director at Clean Grid Alliance, Beth Soholt will participate in the Science and Research Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Michael Vandenbergh
Outreach and Engagement Workshop
Professor at Vanderbilt University Law School and Director of the Climate Change Research Network, Michael Vandenbergh will participate in the Outreach and Engagement Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.
Robyn Wilson
Outreach and Engagement Workshop
Professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources Department at The Ohio State University and incoming President of the Society for Risk Analysis, Robyn Wilson will participate in the Outreach and Engagement Workshop of Summit Session 5 on November 20, at 10am central time.